Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Looks like a great way to grow a garden

The Jockey Club, Sao Paulo

Plant wall!

How is this for a backyard chapel?

Oh the ideas I have now!


Photos from the huge home show in Sao Paulo

Tuesday, May 24, 2011




Back in Sao Paulo

We are back in Sao Paulo now after a great weekend in Atibaia with Carlos, Carol, Joao and Ana. Oh yes, and the dog Beto. The kids are so wonderful, smart and entertaining and we had such a great time playing with them. We were treated to some fine restaurants both in and out of town and I had my corn ice cream in the town square. The road was long and rough up the mountain but Carlos took us Sunday morning to a place where one can look out and see as far as Sao Paulo 1 hr away. It was magnificent! Rosalia was a bit nervous walking out on the rock where they launch paragliders from. I was so proud of her for actually giving in to the pleas from both Carlos and myself and making the climb up to the top of the top ( yea Winshape!)
Then after a nap yesterday afternoon, we took a taxi to downtown for pictures from the top of one of the first skyscrapers in Sao Paulo, built in the 1930's by an Italian architect.
Then it was dinner with Max and Bea last night and in bed by 9:00.
My 16 gigabit memory card is filling fast for photos. God answered our prayers for a small crisis Saturday. I realized I had left my camera on the bus in Atibaia but we located the bus 15 minutes later and the driver had found it and set it aside. God is good! I could replace the camera but never the pictures from the trip so far.
Today we travel to visit more family here in Sao Paulo.
Hope everyone is fine. We are missing you all.

Dean Evans PA


Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I think I could get used to this.
Another day on the Amazon, or more correct, Rio Negro. One highlight was going by the very same leaper colony where dad preached in the early 60's!

Rosalia made an even trade for me!

Is this better than a spotted billygoat?